you belong here.

We believe that every person has a story, and every story has a purpose. No matter where you have been, what you have been through, we understand that your story works to His Glory.

Sunday Services @ JFM

NEW!   4  Services Each Sunday  -  2  On-Campus Locations

Activity Center
9 AM - Contemporary
10:30 AM - Contemporary
9 AM - Contemporary
10:30 AM - Traditional

Baptism Sunday

Happening Sunday, April 13, come and celebrate with those showing an outward expression of an inward change! If Baptism is your right Next Step, click the link.

Service Changes

This Sunday, March 30th is the launch of new service times for our 2 on-campus locations, the Activity Center and the newly renovated Sanctuary. Join us at 9 or 10:30 AM!


Reaching our Full Kingdom Potential with Gospel Saturation in Our City and World

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